Festival Performa & Platforma 2018 - Connection


moderated discussion

Connection as such is opening up an insight into the complicated nature of encounter, into which conditions have to be met for collaboration and reciprocity to take place and, last but not least, be maintained. Such relations can be channelled to different areas, where we can observe the potency of connecting, arising from these relationships.

Connections of different sorts often leave a mark also on the work of artistic or other tandems and/or collectives. Questions related to this topic also play an important part in the creations themselves, in the processes, as well as more directly in the way how performances tackle their topics, problems, how they approach, investigate, and test out their ideas. What is the driving force behind our willingness to enter different forms of collaboration? How to bring common ideas to reality and truly cooperate – with all the implications collaboration entails? Is it easier to cross boundaries with the people who work and think the same way as we do? Or is it better to venture into the unknown and aim for breakthroughs by appreciating and fostering diversity? Is it possible to measure the success of cooperation, and if so, how? What are the gains and the disadvantages of working in "stable" collectives?

Moderated by: Zoran Medved
Guests: Andreja Budar, Uroš Kaurin, dr. Peter Simonič
Produced by: MKC Maribor Youth Culture Centre, Plesna Izba Maribor in collaboration with Television Maribor

Festival Performa & Platforma 2018 - Connection - Home page